7 Tips Women to Look High

Freshstyledesign - 6 Tips Women to Look High The dream had high body dont can only be realized by wearing high heels all the time. There are several other items that fashion is more relaxed, but had the same effect majisnya with heels.

Sure tired of wearing high-heeled shoes a day. But, what can be made if in fact the height did not belong in the category semampai. As a result, the evening you have to massage the feet because of the sore. There is another who uses the instant way (sometimes also harm) and consuming the drug peninggi Agency. Well, actually it so dont need to happen, really. Like many roads lead to Rome, you can also have a lot of alternatives for making the body of mungilmu so look taller through the following tips.

• The right clothes

Choose the right clothes in order to make your appearance more attractive. Use the newfangled outfit straight, such as pants, long dress cutbray one color, suit pants and shirt one color. This impressive piece of newfangled straight that your legs are longer. Or use clothing berpinggang high waist to give the impression of a longer walk.

• Patterned Clothing

Clothes with a vertical motif helps you in disguising your height so that it looks as if your foot is more level and make you appear much higher. If you like plain color, use the cardigan without unbuttoned. This creates the illusion of your body.

• Simple Accessories

Use the right accessories, and don't overdo it. Avoid large accessories such as the use of the belt is great since it will make your body is getting short. Wear a belt thin and sleek. Large clutch also makes your body more drowned, so hours laced width.

• Neutral colored Shoes

Select shoes with neutral colors. Colors such as beige or Brown, will make you look taller even if you only wear a flatshoes, not a high heel or wedges. Avoid using shoes laced dipergelangan away because it will make your body look more petite.

• Hair cuts

Long hair is indeed desirable per woman. But precisely because long hair, makes you look shorter. So you have short haircuts so your neck is impressed more level.

• Mini skirt

If you are a person who dared to appear different, try wearing skirts above the knee. So your feet will be helped to look taller. Use tops with free models, and troops with high heels.

• Avoid Bags That Are Too Large

Short-bodied woman, choosing fashion accessories also must be careful. A bag that is too big will "devour" your short body, the proportion of bags that are too big will make an impression bantet in appearance. The small bag is gorgeous and in balance with body size will give the impression that your body is bigger than it really is 6 Tips Women to Look High.

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